About Us

About Us

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Urban Church Ministries!

If you really have interest in getting acquainted with the vision God has given to us download Google Chrome, once installed, copy our website address into the new browser navigation bar and it will offer to translate any website content different from your system language, thanks.

For while we just have articles in Portuguese and we are planning in a near future to have articles in both languages. In case you can read Portuguese feel free to read, comment and just to send a word of encouragement. Doing so you will be able to know a little bit more about this project named Urban Church.


Pr. Carlos Rizzon

“Not with eye service as men pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart:” Eph 6:6

Urban Church


Our purpose as a church to simply “Love God and Love People”.

We get that purpose from the Bible in Matthew 22 where it says, “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

We realize that Christ has made it so simple for us. But although it sounds so easy, we realize that needs to be a community around to support those who are striving to follow Christ’s words in this crazy world.[/text]


Connecting lives, building relationships!

Declaration of Purpose
The URBAN CHURCH does exists for you to connect to the family of God, to create relationship through the URBAN GROUPS, to promote healthy spiritual growth, taking you to understand the God’s purpose to your life and to live a missional living to fulfill the great commission daily (Mathew 28:19).
For you to get acquainted to the vision God has given to us; our name, logo and slogan says a lot about us and what we do believe! Please keep reading…

The Name Urban Church
There is no way of keep believing that we were saved to be in between four walls. Also we believe that we must honor God entirely 24/7, not only when we are in the “church”. We have to be the church even though we are not in the “church”, also we believe that we are to be a channel through which God shows himself to the world, that’s why the name Urban Church — A Church connected with the city to reveals God’s glory to everyone through a worship lifestyle. (John 4:23)

The Puzzle
“From him the whole body grows, fitted and held together through every supporting ligament. As each one does its part, the body grows in love” Ephesians 4:16

The puzzle remind us the above text, a letter sent by Paul the apostle to the Ephesians 4:16, where he does speak about the functionality of the body of Christ, a whole body , well adjusted, held together by the supporting ligaments working in a good manner or as each does his its part, the body grows in love!

The puzzle also pictures ourselves ! We are all broken icons, and definitely we need each other. We are the church, an imperfect people clinging to a perfect Christ, being perfected together by the Spirit. Different people trying to get connected as the body of Christ, the head and to each other with the help of the Holy Spirit so we are to connect people and to build relationships.

The Slogan (The called out ones)

For those acquainted with the Greek biblical language (Koiné), knows that the word Church, It is translated from the original Greek word Ekklesia and means “called out ones”—from ek (out), and klesia (called). The Greek word means “a calling out” to meet together, especially as a congregation, a gathering of saved people who love God. It does not mean a building, as commonly assumed today, and we all know that nowadays things got out of hand at the institution called church and instead of been part of the “great comission” we are more to be part of the “great omission” and more of having a fancy building, cool A/C, cushioned seats, Media projector in order to grab their attention and bring them together, so what should be “Go, yetherefore” is more of like “Come to us”. There is no problem at all in having nor using all this, but this can’t be the main focus in a ministrie, cause God has given to us the the word of reconciliation. (II Corinthians 5:19)

May God Bless us

Igreja urbana Team



Pastor Carlos is an Italian-Brazilian citizen and was born in 09/28/1965, He is a follower of Jesus, Husband, Musician (Bass player), preacher and a Pastor. He was Brazil. He is married with Valeria and they are about to complete 22 years of marriage in December of 2017 and has no kids. He was raised in a Christian home of Baptist tradition and has been been following the Lord since his childhood. At the age of 33, he moved to US. After 3 to 4 years of living in the US they heard about a Theological Seminary that was about to start at the Baptist Brazilian Church in Pompano Beach, Florida, then they moved to Deerfield Beach, a city quite closer to where the seminar would be held for it was much close to him to attend the seminary which he did. They also had the privilege to work with Family Foundations, a Christian organization that work with families and to be the first Brazilian couple to be trained as coordinator in US by Pr. Craig Hill.

They served for almost 6 years doing the Ancient Paths seminars. After the Seminary, him and his wife felt the lord telling him to go back to Brazil. After getting in Brazil he was ordained as a Pastor in his previous Baptist church and put this website together with the vision that God has given to him during the seminary. Thanks for taking your time reading this and remember to be praying for us.

If you feel like been in touch you can contact us here is the email address: