About Us

About Us

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Urban Church Ministries!

If you really have interest in getting acquainted with the vision God has given to us download Google Chrome, once installed, copy our website address into the new browser navigation bar and it will offer to translate any website content different from your system language, thanks.

For while we just have articles in Portuguese and we are planning in a near future to have articles in both languages. In case you can read Portuguese feel free to read, comment and just to send a word of encouragement. Doing so you will be able to know a little bit more about this project named Urban Church.


Pr. Carlos Rizzon

“Not with eye service as men pleasers, but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart:” Eph 6:6

Urban Church


Our purpose as a church to simply “Love God and Love People”.

“Our mission as a church is to simply love God and love people. This purpose is rooted in the Bible, as Jesus taught in Matthew 22: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  

While this seems straightforward, we recognize the challenges of living out these principles in today’s world. A supportive community is essential for those seeking to follow Christ’s teachings.


Connecting Lives, Building Relationships!

Declaration of Purpose:

The Urban Church exists to connect you to the family of God, foster relationships through Urban Groups, and promote healthy spiritual growth. Our goal is to help you understand God’s purpose for your life and live missionally to fulfill the Great Commission daily (Matthew 28:19).

To grasp the vision God has given us, our name, logo, and slogan convey much about who we are and what we believe. Keep reading to learn more…

The Name: Urban Church

We believe that salvation isn’t limited to the confines of four walls. Our call is to honor God 24/7, not just when we’re in a physical church building. We are called to be the church, even outside of it. We are meant to serve as channels through which God reveals Himself to the world. That’s why we chose the name Urban Church — a church connected to the city, revealing God’s glory through a lifestyle of worship (John 4:23).

The Puzzle:

“From Him the whole body grows, fitted and held together through every supporting ligament. As each one does its part, the body grows in love.” — Ephesians 4:16

The puzzle symbolizes the body of Christ, as described in Ephesians 4:16. The apostle Paul speaks of a body that grows and is held together by supporting ligaments, functioning as one unit. When each member does their part, the body grows in love.

The puzzle also represents us! We are broken individuals who need each other. We are the church — imperfect people clinging to a perfect Christ, being perfected together by the Spirit. As different people, we strive to connect as the body of Christ, with Christ as the head, and with each other through the Holy Spirit. Our mission is to connect people and build relationships

The Slogan: The Called-Out Ones

For those familiar with the Greek biblical language (Koine), the word church is translated from the Greek word ekklesia, meaning “called-out ones”—from “ek” (out) and “klesia” (called). The term refers to a group of people called out to meet, to be together, particularly a congregation of those who love and serve God. It does not refer to a building, as is commonly assumed today.

Unfortunately, the modern church institution often emphasizes fancy buildings, air conditioning, cushioned seats, and media projectors to attract people. What should be the command “Go, therefore” has sometimes turned into “Come to us.” While there is nothing inherently wrong with these things, they must not be the focus of a ministry. Our focus is the ministry of reconciliation that God has entrusted to us (II Corinthians 5:19).

May God Bless us

Igreja urbana Team



About Pastor Carlos


Pastor Carlos is an Italian-Brazilian citizen, born on September 28, 1965. He is a devoted follower of Jesus, a husband to Valeria (with whom he will celebrate 22 years of marriage in December 2017), and a passionate musician specializing in bass guitar.

Raised in a Christian home with a Baptist tradition, Pastor Carlos has been following the Lord since childhood. At the age of 33, he moved to the United States. After living there for 3 to 4 years, he learned about a theological seminary starting at the Baptist Brazilian Church in Pompano Beach, Florida. He and Valeria relocated to Deerfield Beach, which was closer to the seminary, allowing him to attend.

During this time, they had the privilege of working with Family Foundations, a Christian organization focused on supporting families and became the first Brazilian couple to be trained as coordinators in the U.S. under Pastor Craig Hill. They served for nearly six years conducting the Ancient Paths seminars.

After completing seminary, both felt called to return to Brazil. Upon their return, Pastor Carlos was ordained as a pastor in his previous Baptist church. He also created a website reflecting the vision God gave him during seminary.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Please keep us in your prayers.

If you would like to get in touch, you can reach us at: prcarlos@igrejaurbana.com.